
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The origin of the Human Language Revealed

A study recently released reveals the mystery of the origins of human language used. Issue of Science Magazine 15 April 2011 revealed that the language used by humans first emerged in southern Africa. That's where this language then spread throughout the world.

Researchers from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, Quentin Atkinson conducted a study to trace the track record by breaking 504 languages ​​into the language of the smallest components called phonemes. Phoneme comes from the Latin meaning 'spoken voice'. Research has shown, the more diverse phonemes of a language held by language that indicates that the source of other languages ​​have fewer phonemes.
His research came to the conclusion that the more distant group of people traveled from Africa in a historical track record, the fewer phonemes used in their language. This means that, as predicted in the study, the languages ​​of South America and Pacific Islanders have the least amount of phonemes, whereas in African languages ​​have phonemes majority.

Apparently, this pattern also has similarities with the study of human genetics. The described as a general rule, the farther a person out of Africa, which is widely regarded as the origin of human ancestors, the smaller the differences between individuals in the population of the individual groups when compared with the diversity in the region of origin, Africa.

Atkinson study itself uses the same cutting-edge statistical methods to construct genetic trees based on DNA sequence. Regarding the use of statistical methods is in finding the source of human language, a language expert, Brian D. Joseph of Ohio University says a source of new insights in the study in its field.
"I think we should pay attention to this with serious, although there are still those who would reject it," said Joseph.

For additional information, Atkinson's study is unique because it tried to find the roots of the language from a very ancient time. Subject age was the language is still a matter of debate because on the other side while it was discovered that the language has reached the age of 50,000 years, but on the other hand some other language experts are still skeptical of the facts in the meantime. They found another factor that is 'the development of words very quickly' so that the possibility of language itself does not age over 10,000 years.
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Mermaid Mythology

The roots of mythology mermaids have different variations of the story. In modern myth we tend to see a mermaid with a single way that is kind and generous to people, but not all such stories. Mermaid legends of the earliest known to have come from Syria about 1000 BC where the goddess Atargatis plunge into the lake and turned into fish, but there is great power that does not allow for change as a whole so that only the hips down to a fish and half his upper body remains in the form humans
As a myth - a mermaid story tends to change from time to time, such as Atargatis myth that then mixes with the Syrian goddess Ashtarte treated the same as Aphrodite of Greek mythology. Although Aphrodite is rarely depicted in the form of a mermaid, but Aphrodite is the same mythology Pisces (fish symbol zodiac) is believed to come from the roots of Syrian mythology.

Then the other story of the mermaid mythology comes from Homer's epic entitled "The Odyssey". This is the version that includes the popular mermaid in history whose story is widely available in the UK and The Arabian Nights from the Middle East. In this mythical mermaids would sing to the sailors or men who were near the coast to hypnotize them with beauty and rhythm of the sound. Those affected would either rush to the sea to drown, be eaten or killed.

Another version of the story of the mermaid myth that malice is a big danger for men who believe they saw a woman drowning in which they then intend to dive into the water to save him. Another story suggests that the mermaid forgot or did not understand that humans can not breathe in the water so that when they pulled him into the sea accidentally drowning.

Today in modern mythology, mermaids are more likely to be seen as an innocent sweet creature who always help people who are in trouble. Most of the modern interpretation of a mermaid can be seen in the story of the most famous of all the mermaid mythology of "The Little Mermaid" by HC Andersen, which was filmed by Disney with the same title.

The similarity of the various interpretations of the mythology of mermaids there are many people believe that these creatures are immortal and have power as the ability to cure disease, to realize the desire to give immortality.

The people in continental Europe tend to have a more negative outlook for these creatures, but many countries in the Pacific Islands to see the mermaid as a sign of good fortune. In Warsaw, Poland mermaid is a symbol of the city, and the story of the mermaid comes from everywhere from central Africa to Canada to Israel. Very much for being who trusted no one.
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

This is the cause of eye twitch

Eye twitch almost never experienced all the people. Eye twitching is a sudden movement of the upper and lower eyelids, and spontaneous movements. Eye twitching usually occurs several times a day and a few minutes or seconds in all.
According to Burt Dubow, OD, FAAO, an expert in the eyes of the Contact Lens and Cornea Section of the American Optometric Association, the twitch was not a serious medical problem. Twitch is a muscle contraction involving the orbicularis oculi. Twitch occurs because the nerve fibers in the brain to contract momentarily. Throbbing vein suddenly like experiencing stimulation (contraction), which generate electricity through the facial nerve that makes eye strain a moment. So no need to worry about as dangerous as the disease does not affect the ability of sight.
Twitch could only be considered hazardous if it occurs continuously for a long time. There are seven factors that cause eye twitching.

1. Stress
Eye twitching can occur due to stress, because the eyes become so tense. To reduce eye movement is necessary to do the activities that can release the stress.
2. Fatigue
Fatigue such as sleep deprivation can cause spasms in the eyelid. Expand your rest time to reduce eye twitch.
3. Tired eyes
Your eyes may be working too hard, triggering eyelid twitching. Eyes are strained due to continued staring at the computer one of them becomes a very common cause.
4. Caffeine and Alcohol
According to many experts, consuming too much caffeine and alcohol can cause eye twitching. This occurs because of increased pressure on blood vessels.
5. Dry eye
More than half the elderly population have dry eyes due to the aging process. Dry eye is also very common for people who use computers, taking certain medications such as antihistamines, antidepressants, contact lenses and consume caffeine or alcohol. Tiredness and stress can also trigger dry eye.
6. Nutritional imbalances
According to some studies, deficiencies of certain nutrients such as magnesium can trigger eyelid spasms. You should immediately ask the opinion of a nutritionist to reduce and prevent malnutrition.
7. Allergy
People with eye allergies have symptoms such as itching, swelling and watery eyes. When the eye rub, will release histamine that triggers the tears. Some evidence suggests that histamine can cause eyelid movement.

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Is It Weird Beaches In The World?

The beach is located in a green pasture, this is probably the strangest beach you ever saw.

Gulpiyuri coast is the coastline near the town of Llanes in northern Spain, with a stunning salt water crystal clear that even complete with sand and the ebb and flow.

Extraordinary waves even in the 40m stretch of golden sand make the whole experience even more miraculous that it's almost impossible to resist a swim, although the temperature can be rather cold.

Salt water beaches of the Bay of Biscay in the Cantabrian Sea. For millions of years the waves eroded a series of tunnels under the cliffs that connects to the beach.

Gulpiyuri hidden in a series of hills over 100 meters away from the sea. Although it is difficult to find it has become a mecca for tourists on weekends.
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Photographers Capture the Ants Are Playing Football Euro 2012 Ala

Playing in the leaves with a straw for the purpose is simply to say this game is not enough standardization footie up at Euro 2012.

But thanks to a highly skilled photographer and patience, played among ants that give the term 'beautiful game'.

Goalkeeper celebrates the winning goal, Andrey Pavlov spent hours making this complex scene.

He even shoot the ball exactly where the ants picked the perfect little detail by using a special macro lens.

Pavlov said that it is the goal to combine his love of football with a passion for photography when creating a magnificent scene near his home in Moscow.
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Found, the Planet with Two Solar

U.S. astronomers announced the discovery of the planet with two suns in the most recent scientific journal Science. The planet, named Kepler-16b is roughly the same size as the planet Saturn in our Solar System, and is located about 200 light years from Earth. The planet is located at a distance of about 105 million kilometers from the two parent star, and has an orbital period of 229 days.

The planet was discovered using the Kepler space telescope, which was approximately 155 000 stars monitored. "This discovery is very surprising. Once again, something that used to exist only in science-fiction story, now a reality," said Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution for Science's Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, one of the astronomers who wrote the scientific articles.

The study found the Kepler-16b that is led by astronomer Laurance Doyle of the agency Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute, based in California, USA.

Previously, astronomers from around the world have seen some of the planet that they believe to be orbiting two stars at once. However, they have never seen these planets pass directly in front of the sun, so the discovery was the first evidence of a planet with two suns.

"Kepler-16b is the first instance, and no doubt from a sirkumbinari planet, ie a planet orbiting two stars at once. Once again this proves that our Solar System is just one form of variation of the planetary system that can be realized by nature." Josh Carter said of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who are also involved in the present invention.

If there are creatures that inhabit the planet, they can enjoy moments of twilight, and two of the setting sun, as experienced by Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. However, the possibility of human-like beings on this planet is very small, given the very low surface temperatures, which ranged between minus 73 to minus 101 degrees Celsius.

Low temperature is possible because despite having two suns, both the size of the parent star is much smaller than our sun and emits less energy. The mass of the star is only one-fifth of the mass of the Sun, and both stars have only 69 percent of the mass of the Sun.

Besides surrounded by Kepler planet-16b, the two stars orbiting each other with each other in a "dance space" with an orbital period of 41 days.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How To Eliminate Bitter taste in the tongue

When we got a fever, some people got experience this, but not all. What is meant is a tongue that felt just any food will taste bitter. I have just experienced it, and I can honestly say, this is very annoying almost all my daily activities.
When we feel the bitter tongue, our appetite will decrease, and there is even fear to eat because everything we eat, as best as any, it will taste bitter. In addition, because food is a source of energy for our bodies, we will suddenly become weak, dizzy, and even nausea. And even worse, your body will be susceptible to disease. Is not it annoying? For those who are experiencing now, or soon will have, I give you a solution to overcome the bitter taste on the tongue. Pour a glass of hot sweet tea (I do not recommend for people with diabetes), and a regular drink for long a bitter taste on the tongue will be reduced and eventually, disappear. That’s so easy, right?
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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fruits for Skin Shining

Skin smooth and healthy, not only obtained with a variety of treatments available products. In addition to sunscreen that never miss in the bag, you also have to balance it with the care of the body.
Nutrients obtained from food can be more optimal working of different types of products that have been tried. You will experience remarkable results with three types of eating this fruit.

- Mango
To keep the skin from kelembabab and simultaneously protect them from the dangers of the sun, it's time to make the mango as a favorite fruit. The best content in mango, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A by the body.
"Vitamin A is necessary for maintaining healthy skin and repair skin tissue to prevent you from dry skin," says Keri Gans, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. Vitamin A can also relieve inflammation caused by sun exposure.

- Orange
Having trouble wrinkles? You can rely jeruh to get rid of it slowly. Practical packaging of vitamin C will work to protect skin cells from free radicals, atoms that damage cells and accelerate aging symptoms.
Adequacy of vitamin C on the skin will make it seem fresh and healthy. According to Gans, vitamin C is also needed to pump up the production of collagen, so that wrinkles can be minimized.

- Tomatoes
Besides mango and citrus, tomatoes are also highly recommended if you want the beauty of the skin. Lycopene which is a protective skin from the sun is going to work as an antioxidant.
The study also found that people who ate tomatoes for 12 days to have the protection of 33 percent at risk of burning the skin from the sun. This is when compared with those who did not drink at all.

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4 Benefits of Hearing the Music for Little

Benefits of music is not limited to the newborn. In the following days, the music can be used as part of the life of the child. Listening to the music, at least three times a day. In the morning when I wake up, take a nap after the introduction tired of playing, to the humming lullabies. Listening to music is not just for physical health, but also mental health and brain development or cognitive. Based research, some experts say the evidence the benefits of listening to music for children:

1. Improve motor skills.Author of Learning Before Birth: Every Child Deserves Giftedness, Dr. Brent Logan, said the baby (even fetuses) who listen to music, heart rate and physical development for the better. The music proved able to stimulate the baby to love moving. This response would help the physical development of infants, in terms of strength, coordination and motor control.

2. Improve communication skills.According to Logan, music can help the brain development of babies in receiving information. This affects the ability of future skills in communicating.Neuroscience expert, Dr. Dee Joy Coulter, who is also the author of Early Childhood Connection: The Journal of Music and Moment-Based Learning, supports this statement. According to Coulter, a game that involves music will rapidly improve language skills of children and quickly add to his vocabulary. Later he will grow into a child who is able to organize ideas and solve problems quickly.

3. Have better digestion.Babies who are exposed to music will have a better digestion because it receives sense of relaxation. Impact, increases metabolism efficiency and ultimately better weight gain.4. Improve math skills.According to the research psychologist Fran Rauscher and Gordon Shaw of the University of California-Irvine, United States, there are close links between musical skills with the mastery of a high-level mathematics. Also skills in science, when one day the child was in school. Music is also able to enhance their spatial intelligence (intelligent space) as much as 46 percent compared to children who are not exposed to music.
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Natural Ways to Eliminate Scar

Everyone will have a scar. Starting from the wounds caused by acne, chicken pox, or the accidental scars. For some people, scars may greatly affect the appearance that want to eliminate them.

Some of the wounds could disappear by itself after some time. But there are also injuries that can not be lost if not properly treated.

How to remove scars can be done with plastic surgery or a laser. But there are simple and natural way to deal with scars, obscure or even eliminate them. Here's how, as published in the My Daily Moment:

1. Treat as soon as possible

It's important for you to know that the handling or treatment of scars old and new is different. If the scar is still new, more convenient and more easily removed than the long scar.

2. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is beneficial in improving skin health and can help treat scars old and new. Apply vitamin E oil is available in liquid form in tablets and capsules on your scar and massage gently.

3. Distance Oil (Castor Oil)

This oil can also be used to treat your scars. Soak flannel with castor oil and apply on scar you for one to two hours in the morning and evening.

4. Use Aloe Vera Cream

For fresh scars, use a cream containing aloe vera. Spread evenly in the scar. This will help soften and loosen the skin. This cream is suitable mainly for removing acne scars.

5. Use Sunscreen
To prevent a bad scar, always use sunscreen to the skin damaging UV rays do not become more severe. The important thing is do not mengopek or scratching your wounds because it can leave scars.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

5 Ways to Diet slimming addition

To get a beautiful sculptured body, dieting is not the only way. This is the most familiar method to lose weight. But sometimes become too heavy to run.Many eventually give up in the middle of the road before the diet program is completed. As a result, the weight crept back up. Why not try another method? Five ways this can be a powerful alternative as it works to control appetite.
1. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a holistic therapy that works on the body. The therapist will find out, how much energy is running down the body and how they affect the process of digestion. At some point it will be pressed to accelerate the combustion process and on the other point is set to be able to suppress the desire to eat.For example, if your metabolism is running more slowly, the needle will be placed on meridian points to regulate hormonal activity in order to burn the body to run faster.
2. Reiki
This therapy is also very interesting, because it works on an emotional level. Reiki practitioners believe that the emotional well be reflected in your body. Like, if you include the more frequent use of emotional, physical weight would be saved.Reiki can be done with ease, you just lay on the sofa, while the practitioner will lay hands on your body to send energy to the points of the body to control appetite and improve metabolism.
3. Aromatherapy
This wonderful oil can also help you slim down. You can choose an orange-flavored oil that will generate more energy so you are more likely to do the activity, rather than just sitting in front of the TV.Take a few drops of oil, and rub on sporting goods and the corners of the room in the house. This oil can also suppress appetite
.4. Meditation
As the quotation from, meditation does not just give yourself a calming effect but also slimming. The trick? This therapy works improving digestive system.Usually when the cold air, you rush to pick up sweet foods to warm the body. For the perpetrators of meditation, emotional thing like this more easily controlled.
5. Reflection
The points of nerve in the foot, is the key to a healthy body. Massage at the right point will restore balance to the body naturally. For weight loss, reflection helps to balance the production of endocrine hormonal activity. This balance will normalize appetite. The main massage, located at the point amid the big toe
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Glasses Affect Appetite?

There's no easy way for a diet program. Everything must go through a lengthy process and requires sacrifice, including the temptation to eat a snack. Taukah you if you have the appetite is affected by the nervous system of the brain? A number of researchers from The University of Tokyo recently created a lens that can affect the human brain to make full.

The trick is quite simple, when you use this lens, is automatically you will see the food is larger than the original. The researchers from Tokyo was created using the image processing system which is connected to the video glasses and computer, as a result the image is in front of the food will change completely.
Computers that can make food look more foods 50 percent of its original size and shrink 33 percent smaller than its original size. Meanwhile, to make it more real trick, the hand holding the food was not changed in size, hand size remains the same as the original. "Food is turned into a two able to decrease your appetite up to ten percent in a day," said Takuji Narumi, one of the scientists.

This is because the brain is more trust in visual information from the information received from the stomach or other sensors, as quoted in Shine. Narumi and his colleagues held a trial by asking the volunteers to eat the biscuits to satiety. The first volunteers are asked to wear glasses diet, when they were asked to eat dam for next so without using a glass eye. The result they consume 9.3 percent fewer cookies when using the glasses, food images enlarged up to 50 percent, rather than when they are fed with the naked eye. But when it shrinks the image binoculars up to 33 percent of food, the volunteers ate 15 percent more than the naked eye.Undo edits
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Monday, June 4, 2012

Plane crash in Nigeria

The investigation soon revealed the cause of the crash rolled McDonnell Douglas MD-83 owned airline Air Fund in the city of Lagos, Nigeria, Sunday, June 3, 2012, local time. Quoted by CNN, Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority stated that the pilot had reported the occurrence of chaos signal. About a minute before the plane Abuja-Lagos route fell pierced through a number of buildings in a densely populated district. For the sake of revealing details of the cause of the crash that killed 153 passengers, the officers are still trying to find a black box that contains the taped conversations in the cockpit and flight data. While rescue workers are also struggling to collect bodies from the debris and wreckage of the building. Of all the victims, one of whom is a citizen of Indonesia, Widyo Utomo, who last year worked as a flight engineer on the airline. Minister of Transportation Nigeria, Stella Oduah, said it has formed a special team to probe the crash. While the President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, immediately declare a national mourning period for three days
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