
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Is It Weird Beaches In The World?

The beach is located in a green pasture, this is probably the strangest beach you ever saw.

Gulpiyuri coast is the coastline near the town of Llanes in northern Spain, with a stunning salt water crystal clear that even complete with sand and the ebb and flow.

Extraordinary waves even in the 40m stretch of golden sand make the whole experience even more miraculous that it's almost impossible to resist a swim, although the temperature can be rather cold.

Salt water beaches of the Bay of Biscay in the Cantabrian Sea. For millions of years the waves eroded a series of tunnels under the cliffs that connects to the beach.

Gulpiyuri hidden in a series of hills over 100 meters away from the sea. Although it is difficult to find it has become a mecca for tourists on weekends.

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