
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fruits for Skin Shining

Skin smooth and healthy, not only obtained with a variety of treatments available products. In addition to sunscreen that never miss in the bag, you also have to balance it with the care of the body.
Nutrients obtained from food can be more optimal working of different types of products that have been tried. You will experience remarkable results with three types of eating this fruit.

- Mango
To keep the skin from kelembabab and simultaneously protect them from the dangers of the sun, it's time to make the mango as a favorite fruit. The best content in mango, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A by the body.
"Vitamin A is necessary for maintaining healthy skin and repair skin tissue to prevent you from dry skin," says Keri Gans, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. Vitamin A can also relieve inflammation caused by sun exposure.

- Orange
Having trouble wrinkles? You can rely jeruh to get rid of it slowly. Practical packaging of vitamin C will work to protect skin cells from free radicals, atoms that damage cells and accelerate aging symptoms.
Adequacy of vitamin C on the skin will make it seem fresh and healthy. According to Gans, vitamin C is also needed to pump up the production of collagen, so that wrinkles can be minimized.

- Tomatoes
Besides mango and citrus, tomatoes are also highly recommended if you want the beauty of the skin. Lycopene which is a protective skin from the sun is going to work as an antioxidant.
The study also found that people who ate tomatoes for 12 days to have the protection of 33 percent at risk of burning the skin from the sun. This is when compared with those who did not drink at all.

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