
Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Benefits of Ginger for Diabetic Patients

The benefits of ginger has been known for thousands of years ago. Not only as a cooking spice, spices with the Latin name Zingiber officinale also holds benefits for traditional medicine.

Quoted by the Huffington Post, a number of scientists from the University of Sydney, Australia, discovered the benefits of ginger in diabetic patients. They found that ginger nutrients work to help manage blood sugar levels.

Based on the results of research published Medical News, extracts of ginger contains gingerol is capable of increasing glucose uptake into muscle cells independent of insulin production.

Professor Roufogalis, a pharmaceutical chemist who is involved in the study said, "Ginger helps control blood sugar levels of diabetic patients to prevent long term complications."

The content of gingerol in ginger also has the effect of anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting. Stimulate the release of adrenal hormones that increase blood flow. That is why ginger also acts to prevent blockage of blood vessels as the main cause of strokes and heart attacks.

Although still requiring further research, these findings add to the series the benefit of ginger for the body. Properties of ginger that has been known down through the generations include: cough, colds, flatulence, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, and sore throat.

Ginger spice
Ginger is thought to have originated from southern mainland China, which then spread throughout Asia, Europe, Africa to Latin America. Almost always present in a variety of oriental cuisine, either sauteed, grilled, fried, steamed up.

Despite the inherent health benefits, ginger is distinctive flavor and that smell adds savory dishes. Ginger is also used to help remove the fishy smell of food such as fish, shrimp, beef, and poultry.

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