
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Uniquely Color Pencil Tree in Philadelphia.

pohon pensil philadelpia

If you come to North Philadelphia, do not be surprised to see the unique landscape in one of the art on going exhibition. "Colored Pencil Tree".
Is Dave Rittinger, an artist who moved to give a touch of eco-art on trees subjected to logging in there. He is listed as one of the eco-artist of the 21st century.

This idea was well received, Rittinger then move the idea of ​​a tree into a colored pencil art knacks. Felling of trees has no leaves are transformed into the leaves in the new version. Ie, leaf color pencil, with bright colors are attractive.

In his personal website, Rittinger explained that he wanted to change something that is no longer in use into products that can be enjoyed, and valued the arts. "Dave really enjoys finding unique, even in a simple way".
Rittinger has brought new life to trees that have died of this. He hoped that his work can be part of the repair environmental damage and beneficial to the beauty. New work is expected to also inspire other young artists to create other designs by utilizing the natural waste.

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