
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Slimming anti cholesterol foods

Slimming anti cholesterol foods Not many know that the beautiful leaves also keep health benefits.

• Leaf Parsley
Not just decoration dish or garnish. Plants are known by the Latin name Petroselinum crispum is an herb that has a million benefits to the body. Contains calcium, protein, folic acid, beta-carotene, chlorophyll, the pigment anti-oxidants, antibacterial agents, and vitamins A, B12, and C.
Dr. Denice Moffat, a nutritionist from the American Naturopathic Medical Association, said that parsley is one of the seven most powerful herbs in the world, in addition to ginger, oregano, cinnamon, turmeric, sage, and red chili powder.
The foliage was planted at least 2,000 years ago relied on to fight cancer and cope with a variety of complaints such as anemia, digestive disorders, liver, high blood pressure, cholesterol, kidneys, lungs, menstrual disorders, visual disturbances, cough, fever, bad breath too.
Consumption of parsley can be done by mixing it directly into a serving dish or fruit juice. For medical treatment, can also boil. However, do not consume parsley in a portion of excess are toxic because of its oil content. Pregnant and nursing women should not eat them.
• Basil Leaves
No exaggeration if basil dubbed queen queen of herbs or spices. Since the days of Ancient Rome, the leaves are scented favorite spices for flavor enhancer and herbal ingredients.
Leaf that has the Latin name Ocimum sanctum holds physical and mental calming effect. Content metilsinamat and eugenol in it is helpful to relieve stress. "With basil, can suppress the body's production of cortisol that relieve stress," said the expert ayurveda, Roy Upton.
Based on medical studies, basil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects effectively help overcome some health problems. Ranging from mild flu-like symptoms, fever, scratchy throat, cough, infections in the mouth and gums, tooth ache, and headache.

• Leaves Onions
So typical accompanies some concoction like soup, chicken noodle, or an omelet. Form of dark green leaves with a round shape like a piece of ribbon long hollow. The trunk white elliptical grooved.
Plants that have a Latin name Allium fistulosum was believed to contain the active ingredients or the antibiotics kill the bacteria, and has the ability to stimulate the growth of cells. Also a source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K is excellent.
With enough good nutrition, good spring onions consumed to help lower blood sugar levels, helps digestive problems, relieve colds, inflammation, and improve blood circulation.
Overcoming an upset stomach, try boiled some chopped onion with two cups of water for 15 minutes. Simmer until the remaining one cup. Strain and drink. Inhaling steam cooking water is also beneficial for those who are stricken with the flu.
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Slimming Anti-Cholesterol Diet

Metabolism that is no longer perfect, forcing you to pay more attention to food intake for a healthy body. Also shape the body naturally. Studies show if this decrease occurs when you are entering the age of 30 years. Where is the combustion energy no longer an optimal. As a result, the food consumed is only accumulate in certain body parts.
Onwards, cholesterol would be welcome. It will also be followed by the risk of heart disease, diabetes, elevated blood pressure, and others. To avoid these problems, make a change in diet. Here's a list of anti cholesterol foods you need to consume.
The content of beta-glucans which is the type of soluble fiber in oats can help slimming. In addition, a unique antioxidant is found in wheat as well as protective against atherosclerosis. That is the buildup of plaque on artery walls. Consumption of 3 grams of wheat, every day is enough to reduce cholesterol levels up to 50 percent. And any reduction in cholesterol, it will also bring positive effect on heart health.
The fruit is proven to be very effective as an antioxidant to combat the condition of "middle age". Especially in men, Cherry can control the levels of uric acid. You can eat fresh fruit or juice without sugar Cherry.  Cherry or yogurt.
Almond serves to normalize blood sugar levels to reduce cholesterol. The study also revealed that when 20 adults who ate almonds as much as 60 grams per day, for four weeks showed a decrease in blood sugar, also lowers bad cholesterol. Almonds also offer protection against heart disease and diabetes.
Fish oil
Omega 3 from oily fish also helps reduce the risk of irregular heartbeat and blood pressure. Best sources of omega 3 are salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, and herring. Consumption of fish regularly can also keep away from the risk of stroke.
Reason to choose soy as a healthy food is the content of isoflavones  in soy, which is associated with decreased cholesterol. In women, soy is also able to increase bone density after menopause. In men, soy can also improve fertility.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Revealing Secrets Walking on Water

Chicago - A lot of people have been demonstrating, if you fill the pool with water and cornstarch, you can run on it. If stopped, you will drown. Even so, how it happened is still a mystery in fluid dynamics.

Generally, the explanation given for the phenomenon of "walk on water" is the suspension, which contains liquid particles in it, not the more viscous Newtonian fluid, when there was an increase in the rate of deformation because the people running it. Typical examples are the sauce, blood, and toothpaste. Fluid "normal", like water, flow and constant viscosity.

But Scott Waitukaitis and Heinrich Jaeger, a physicist at the University of Chicago, found that the situation was quite different. When you step on the suspension, the particles will be compressed and turned into a solid phase for a while.

Waitukaitis and Jaeger noted in the research that will be published in the journal Nature, issue of July 12, 2012, that the proposed common mechanism is unable to explain how people can run on top of a mixture of water and cornstarch. "The mechanism is not able to support the weight of a person," said Jaeger.

Both scientists are filling a container with a mixture of water and cornstarch (oobleck) and dug a stick on it. Using high-speed photography camera and X-rays, they see that, when the stick touches the suspension, under section into a solid stick. Particles in suspension could not move, creating an area similar column sturdy enough to prevent the stick sinking into the oobleck.

The area that is now solid and thicken it can extend to the bottom of the container. Jaeger noted that the solidified zone that emits energy that is large enough to rupture one of the containers. That energy can even bounce and push back the stick when the container is fairly shallow.

It should be noted that, contrary to previous modeling, no matter whether the container walls or running a stick remained on the oobleck. The same thing will happen if you fill it with a mixture of sea and conduct experiments.

Once exposed to the pressure wand, solid zone will start to melt, because there is no more pressing energy. That's why, when you stop running across the oobleck, you will drown. It also explains why people can not drive in it, because the wheels do not put pressure on a small area.

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Beware of sleep deprivation can erase brain memory

A new finding reveals the importance of a good night's sleep 7-8 hours every day. Lack of sleep 'only' two hours would affect memory and brain work.

Someone who slept only six hours will stop the brain to keep some memories of that day. Meaning, he will lose some memories forever.

This study described the conference in neuroscience community in Orleans. Researcher Professor Ted Abel said: "It is important to note that sleep is not a luxury in modern life," he told the Daily Mail.

Abel stated, sleep beneficial for the brain to consolidate events that happen throughout the day. In the study with researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, he observed how the memory of mice that lack of sleep. Researchers varying sleep duration mice to determine how much of the ability to remember the order.

"We found, although in small amounts of sleep deprivation, memory storage of these animals will be lost. Lack of sleep will block 20 percent consolidations memory," he added.

Means in human terms, this happens to those that reduce sleep time from eight hours to six hours. Professor Abel, adding replace lack of sleep by sleeping longer the next day will not improve memory.

Neil Stanley, a sleep to say, "The brain is too busy during the day. Sleep is a quiet time that gives the brain time to remember everything."

Lack of sleep causes lack of memory consolidation. In the end makes one forget perform simple tasks. "Often the wife felt her husband did not request after they were notified. Husband but did not remember because his memory was stored brain. This can lead to fights."
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Monday, October 15, 2012

Sentul Paradise Park

Rarely traveler knows that the tourist attractions in Indonesia can be found in the capital itself is in jakarta. Tourist attractions was named Sentul Paradise Park, this place offers a million touch sense of natural beauty with a variety of rides for the family. Moreover sensation Angel waterfall or waterfall Bojongkoneng, which has a height of 40 meters and a width of 7 meters, with white sand beaches from Bangka added around the pool that forms a coastline of 150 meters, so that the visitors especially the children in addition to swimming, play boat can also play sand in the pool.

Scenery and lush green mountains, cool air, terraced rice fields, combined with the natural freshness Angel waterfall makes Sentul Paradise Park like heaven is not far from the capital city. Moreover, access to the location Sentul Paradise Park is very easy and convenient, not far from the door to the Toll Sentul City Rainbow Hill, the distance of about 7 km, with wide avenues and hot mix asphalt until the next waterfall, and parking is also available is extensive.

The concept of 'One Stop Recreation for The Whole Family Through The Beauty of Nature'sebagai moto Sentul Paradise park is very suitable as the main destination for family tourism, a variety of other attractions we prepare middle, like a waterpark, adventure park, bird park and a butterfly kingdom, camping ground, farming park, mountain bike tracks, theme park, and the food park as a venue for culinary tourism. Sentul Paradise Park is scheduled to be opened to the public in the near future the price of admission is very affordable.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Baileys and chocolate cheesecake


To garnish

Preparation method

  1. Melt the butter in a pan and add the crushed digestive biscuits. Mix well until the biscuits have absorbed all the butter.
  2. Remove from the heat and press into the bottom of a lined 18cm/7in springform tin. Place in the refrigerator and allow to set for one hour.
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Lightly whip the cream cheese then beat in the Bailey's and icing sugar. Fold in the whipped cream and grated chocolate. When smooth, spoon evenly onto the biscuits.
  4. Refrigerate and allow to set for a further two hours. Once set, remove and decorate with whipped cream and cocoa powder dusted over the top. Serve.
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