
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Revealing Secrets Walking on Water

Chicago - A lot of people have been demonstrating, if you fill the pool with water and cornstarch, you can run on it. If stopped, you will drown. Even so, how it happened is still a mystery in fluid dynamics.

Generally, the explanation given for the phenomenon of "walk on water" is the suspension, which contains liquid particles in it, not the more viscous Newtonian fluid, when there was an increase in the rate of deformation because the people running it. Typical examples are the sauce, blood, and toothpaste. Fluid "normal", like water, flow and constant viscosity.

But Scott Waitukaitis and Heinrich Jaeger, a physicist at the University of Chicago, found that the situation was quite different. When you step on the suspension, the particles will be compressed and turned into a solid phase for a while.

Waitukaitis and Jaeger noted in the research that will be published in the journal Nature, issue of July 12, 2012, that the proposed common mechanism is unable to explain how people can run on top of a mixture of water and cornstarch. "The mechanism is not able to support the weight of a person," said Jaeger.

Both scientists are filling a container with a mixture of water and cornstarch (oobleck) and dug a stick on it. Using high-speed photography camera and X-rays, they see that, when the stick touches the suspension, under section into a solid stick. Particles in suspension could not move, creating an area similar column sturdy enough to prevent the stick sinking into the oobleck.

The area that is now solid and thicken it can extend to the bottom of the container. Jaeger noted that the solidified zone that emits energy that is large enough to rupture one of the containers. That energy can even bounce and push back the stick when the container is fairly shallow.

It should be noted that, contrary to previous modeling, no matter whether the container walls or running a stick remained on the oobleck. The same thing will happen if you fill it with a mixture of sea and conduct experiments.

Once exposed to the pressure wand, solid zone will start to melt, because there is no more pressing energy. That's why, when you stop running across the oobleck, you will drown. It also explains why people can not drive in it, because the wheels do not put pressure on a small area.

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