
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Slimming anti cholesterol foods

Slimming anti cholesterol foods Not many know that the beautiful leaves also keep health benefits.

• Leaf Parsley
Not just decoration dish or garnish. Plants are known by the Latin name Petroselinum crispum is an herb that has a million benefits to the body. Contains calcium, protein, folic acid, beta-carotene, chlorophyll, the pigment anti-oxidants, antibacterial agents, and vitamins A, B12, and C.
Dr. Denice Moffat, a nutritionist from the American Naturopathic Medical Association, said that parsley is one of the seven most powerful herbs in the world, in addition to ginger, oregano, cinnamon, turmeric, sage, and red chili powder.
The foliage was planted at least 2,000 years ago relied on to fight cancer and cope with a variety of complaints such as anemia, digestive disorders, liver, high blood pressure, cholesterol, kidneys, lungs, menstrual disorders, visual disturbances, cough, fever, bad breath too.
Consumption of parsley can be done by mixing it directly into a serving dish or fruit juice. For medical treatment, can also boil. However, do not consume parsley in a portion of excess are toxic because of its oil content. Pregnant and nursing women should not eat them.
• Basil Leaves
No exaggeration if basil dubbed queen queen of herbs or spices. Since the days of Ancient Rome, the leaves are scented favorite spices for flavor enhancer and herbal ingredients.
Leaf that has the Latin name Ocimum sanctum holds physical and mental calming effect. Content metilsinamat and eugenol in it is helpful to relieve stress. "With basil, can suppress the body's production of cortisol that relieve stress," said the expert ayurveda, Roy Upton.
Based on medical studies, basil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects effectively help overcome some health problems. Ranging from mild flu-like symptoms, fever, scratchy throat, cough, infections in the mouth and gums, tooth ache, and headache.

• Leaves Onions
So typical accompanies some concoction like soup, chicken noodle, or an omelet. Form of dark green leaves with a round shape like a piece of ribbon long hollow. The trunk white elliptical grooved.
Plants that have a Latin name Allium fistulosum was believed to contain the active ingredients or the antibiotics kill the bacteria, and has the ability to stimulate the growth of cells. Also a source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K is excellent.
With enough good nutrition, good spring onions consumed to help lower blood sugar levels, helps digestive problems, relieve colds, inflammation, and improve blood circulation.
Overcoming an upset stomach, try boiled some chopped onion with two cups of water for 15 minutes. Simmer until the remaining one cup. Strain and drink. Inhaling steam cooking water is also beneficial for those who are stricken with the flu.

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