
Monday, May 7, 2012

Benefits of Avocado Fruit

Who is not familiar with the avocado. Somewhat blackish green fruit has many benefits to be had therein. fruit of this one has many good benefits of fruit and daunya start.

The researchers from Shizuoka University, Japan. discover the benefits of an avocado is to reduce liver damage, including damage caused by hepatitis virus.
Benefits of Avocado Fruit
Here are some of the benefits we need to know other woods.

Overcoming kidney stones: Drinking water steeping leaves seven avocado with ½ cup hot water every morning and evening.

For back pain: Boil 5 avocado leaves 500 cc and 250 cc of warm water to live. Embunkan drinking all night and the next day. Perform a week in a row.

For Thrush: Toss a mature avocado with two tablespoons of honey and three meals a day.

The skin: Blend the avocado and then smeared evenly for 30 minutes on the face and hands that are cleaned with warm water.

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