
Monday, May 7, 2012

Fetal sex can be known in Week 7

sex of fetus
From a recent study, it was a simple blood test can be used to determine the sex of the baby, just seven weeks of pregnancy. In the study, researchers examined 57 studies of fetal DNA from about 6,500 pregnant women. The result is then dipubikasikan in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Quoted from the  New York Times , Friday, August 12, 2011, from the analysis of fetal DNA testing in the blood of the mother, if the Y chromosome is present, he would have a son. If not, then the fetus is female. According to researchers, these findings could help parents who are worried about diseases related to gender. However, this test can also be misused to others. Researchers said the results of these tests could be good news for parents who are the offspring at risk of rare diseases, gender-related genetic disorders, such as Duchenne muscular disorders in boys or Turner syndrome in daughter. Knowing the sex of a fetus from an early age will also help parents determine whether they should undergo genetic testing is expensive. However, it also creates opportunities surrounding the selective abortion of unwanted sex.

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