
Monday, May 7, 2012

Japan became the country without atomic energy for the first time since last 40 years.

Before we know the Japanese state or country that we often call this Sakura is a country that has nuclear power plants are the most recent. But who would have thought from the brunt of the earthquake and tsunami on 11 March this year, would lead to a boomerang for his country. this time last Japanese nuclear reactor shut down, which still functioned, on Saturday, May 5, 2012.The last reactor was shut down a third reactor in Hokkaido prefecture. However, this reactor was shut down forever. Only temporarily, during routine maintenance. With this turned off the reactor, Japan became the country without atomic energy for the first time since last 40 years.Until last year, Japan gained 30 percent of power generation from nuclear energy. Hundreds of people in Japan also welcomed the temporary closure of this. They walked in the streets of Tokyo. Unfurled a banner celebrating what they want, namely the end of nuclear power in Japan.Since the Fukushima nuclear tragedy, the whole reactor at Sakura was turned off for maintenance. These reactors should be retested to resist earthquake and tsunami. And local authorities should be careful to reopen the reactors. Two reactors at Ohi, western Japan, have been declared safe. The Japanese government said the reactor was to be revived to patch up a huge energy shortage. relevant Minister has warned Japan will face restrictions on energy next summer, if the reactor was not immediately activated. Meanwhile, local authorities still approval     process again the reactor.

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