Venus transit event in front of the Sun can only be seen back in 2117 and 2025.
Venus this year often entertain citizens of the earth, the brightest star in the sky is usually seen shortly after sunset, had already demonstrated the sky stunt show along with the planet Jupiter from February to in March. The second alternate position of the planet. Initially Jupiter is above Venus in the evening sky late February, and both are at par on March 12 like twin stars, and then turns over the Jupiter Venus. Next month, precisely on 5-6 June 2012, Venus will return to entertain the citizens of Earth to show itself in another form. When Venus is usually a white dot shining brightly in the western sky at dusk, on the day he would become a black spot. Then, how can we see Venus? Take it easy we will be able to see it, because at that time Venus will transit in front of the sun. At that time, the Sun, Venus, and Earth in a parallel position. Unlike the events in front of the planet Mercury transit the Sun should be monitored using a telescope, Venus will be the passage of events can be clearly seen with the naked eye, would need the help of a pair of sunglasses or a plastic film, so that the eyes do not glare. Persitiwa passage of Venus in front of the face of the Sun will take place for nearly six hours and 45 minutes and can be witnessed by two-thirds of the Earth. When the transit, Venus will look like small black dots with a diameter of 1/32 circle the Sun, is large enough to be seen with the naked eye. At that Venus will be at the top of the disc of the Sun. Citizens of Indonesia are among the lucky. Western Indonesia may see this phenomenon as the Sun rises when Venus first started track in front of the Sun. Meanwhile, residents in eastern Indonesia are lucky enough to witness the whole process of the transit of Venus. In other world regions, such as the northwestern part of South America, throughout North America, Hawaii, Central Asia, West Asia, New Zealand, and most of the eastern Australia could witness the beginning of the transit process. Meanwhile, the end of the transit can be seen by residents in the northern and northwestern North America, New Zealand, Australia, Asia, eastern Africa, and most of Europe. For Europe, the Sun, published on June 6 with the position of Venus was in his face and the transit towards the end. Citizens of the world who are less fortunate are those who live in the western part of Africa, southern and western Spain, Portugal, and the central and eastern United south. In those areas, the transit of Venus occurred after sunset. Transit of Venus in front of the Sun is a very rare astronomical event. Venus will usually be above or below the position of the Sun when viewed from the Earth's sky as they form a small angle trajectory. Transit of Venus occur every 105.5 years and 121.5 years in pairs or in a transit period of time there are two adjacent, eight years apart. Venus Transit this year coupled with the recent transit in June 2004.
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